code of conduct
Kink In Kolor Events features a hand-selected, curated membership that strives to offer the best possible experience to its members with the utmost courtesy and respect at ALL times. We value sexy, open-minded, folx of all orientations and genders to join our parties (though some events will exclusive for certain genders or self-expressions). We are ALL the friendly(s), fun, and actively working to add freshness to this well-oiled kinky machine. We hope to provide an opportunity for us all to learn from each other while exploring sexy things together. We aim to offer a safe environment for people to meet, learn, and gain new friends, colleagues, play partners, and more.
So Indulge in your exhibitionism, revel in your voyeuristic search, and play to your heart's content. This is a space where you can be free to be you no matter who’s around. You will never be expected to do more than you’re comfy with and we promise to always listen, learn, and give grace when needed. Welcome to your kink journey, we’re glad you’re here!

Have Fun!​
Keep your phone use to a minimum during workshops, classes, and events. During play & and kink areas your phone must be out of sight at all times (some events may require a phone check-in station).
No photos, video, snap chatting, Instagramming, tiktoking, etc., except in the photo booth or other designated areas (like smoking area, if provided).
Participation is never required at any event. Feel free to let your voyeur flag fly.
Dress to Impress or follow the theme of the event (inspo can be found via this link: ). Always wear what makes you feel comfy & sexy!
If arriving in obvious fetish wear/gear, please come dressed appropriately for public spaces, once, inside the event, you can slip into something sexier. A long coat usually works best for entering & exiting.
No touching another person without their permission, including non-sexual touching.
Do not pressure anyone to talk, play, or do other kinky shit with you OR to you. Asking a person once is fine, asking that same person more than once after they declined counts as pressuring.
Each event will have Kink Kaptains aka DM’s/Playspace Monitors who will be wearing a recognizable fanny pack and glowing wristband, chain, or headband. They are there to help and assist for the duration of each event. Please let them know if someone does anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, or if you see someone doing anything violating our Code of Conduct. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TAKE ACTION ALONE.
While Unionized Security will also be present at every event, please only approach them if the situation is a dire emergency.
Most play/kink/and sceneing will be allowed. Edgier forms of play (such as fire, wax, or suspension) will require permission from both the venue and host prior to the event.
Please clean up play equipment after use with materials provided at the sanitation station. While some venues may offer showers, towels, and bathroom toiletries, they may not always be provided. If you need special setups like drop cloths, personal towels, puppy pads…etc please plan to bring your own.
No Kink Shaming, Slut Shaming, or any other SHAMING allowed.
No Discrimination or Hateration based on race, sexual identity, gender, or physical limitations allowed.
Every event will provide lube, sanitation stations, and condoms for all versions of sexual engagement free of charge.
Most venues will have a designated area to place belongings, whether it’s access to a keyed lock system, locker, or otherwise.
Alcohol & Smoking areas will be provided based on the consumption allowance mandated by the venue.
No pay for play or solicitation allowed (such as prostitution or professional dom/subbing).
RED will be the universal safeword at all events, no exceptions!
more in depth
Fetish outfits are highly appreciated BUT not required. Just wear what makes you comfy and sexy. Most outfits along these styles work well: Latex / traditional fetish wear / goth/ harnesses / leather /fetish-punk / fetish-cyber / themed costumes / furry / sex kitten / drag / cross-dress / fancy lingerie / and other similar risque attire.
Please refrain from wearing regular everyday clothing or athleticwear to our events or you may be refused entry. Take the opportunity to show yourself off and let’s see how sexy you can get!
“What happens at Kink In Kolor Events, STAYS at Kink In Kolor Events.”
So that we may offer the most uninhibited environment, it is crucial that all members understand everyone is expected to respect the rights of privacy for all Kink In Kolor Event attendees, employees, and volunteers. You may not disclose, in whole or in part, the identities of any other attendee(s) of Kink In Kolor Events without Kink In Kolor, LLC and said attendee(s)’ prior written authorization. All attendees will also be asked to sign a waiver upon entry.
Photos are only allowed in the photo booth area. If you take unauthorized pictures they will be confiscated. Any use of cameras or other recording devices in play areas, inside (and outside) Kink In Kolor Events, is grounds for immediate and permanent membership cancellation and expulsion.
If a Professional Erotic Photographer is on-site you may have professional pictures taken of yourselves only. If we record a special event you will be notified in advance of entering. Pictures of the events on this site and others will not contain the unedited likeness of any members without written consent.
While it is exciting to get back our post covid lifestyles we do want all attendees, employees, volunteers, and community members to be safe when attending a social gathering. Due to the new Omarion variant, we are requiring proof of vaccine or a negative test within 2 days (this may be amended based on the restrictions of the venues).
Please respect the social distancing boundaries of all members and practice discretion and comfortability as needed. Masks will be optional.
Please do not come to an event if you are sick, have a fever or have been in contact with someone else who is sick.
Do not come to the event if you have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID.
Masks and sanitizer are free of charge and will be available in various places throughout the events.
Alcohol is allowable at the discretion of the venue. If alcohol is allowed, A signature drink may be provided while other drinks may be b.y.o.b. Should you choose to consume alcohol, please do so in moderation. We may enforce a two-dot policy on your entry band to minimize over intoxication and may be amended as needed. Being drunk can impair your judgment and make it dangerous for you and others to engage in sex, kink, or BDSM related activities. Smoking will be allowed in established smoking areas only and beholden to venue rules. Other recreational drugs, inhalants, or other intoxicants are not allowed (unless prescribed by a doctor). All persons who are seen with items that look like illegal drugs or persons who seem overly intoxicated at an event (through alcohol or other means), will be promptly asked to leave or have an uber called for them.
At this time, membership is Free! Every attendee must apply for membership in order to attend Kink in Kolor events (guests included).
Kink In Kolor will offer both Solo tickets & Couple tickets for most events. At this time we have opted NOT to include drastic gendered pricing, but most tickets will be available for female-presenting members, couples/partnerships, and a very limited amount for single male presenting members. Each event will donate a portion of all proceeds to a different charity of choice.
Our pricing will also include a small number of free tix for those unable to afford tickets with special preference towards people in marginalized groups. They will be available within the first two days of event announcements. We only ask that you bring a small necessary item (like ice, or plates) when you arrive.
With that being said, Kink In Kolor also accepts donations from its members. At various times, Kink In Kolor may also host events for which minimum donations may be requested in lieu of a ticketed event to put towards operating, administrative and/or other similar expenses. Minimum donations for these events will be specified with the offering of admissions to such events.
We also have Amazon lists online for those who prefer to donate an item instead of schmoney:)
You are only allowed to invite one guest to a party. Your guests are your responsibility at all times. They must arrive with you, and leave with, or before you. No exceptions.
**Single male-presenting gents: Limited tickets will be available to balance the party as needed. Pricing may reflect that, but not always. Always be respectful of another person's boundaries and don’t hang out in the play area alone. IN SHORT, DO NOT BE CREEPY. You are encouraged to engage actively with other attendees as a person, not as a wallflower standing in the shadows (we don’t mean doing something you’re uncomfortable with, we just mean to be friendly and approachable). This is not to single you out, but based on past events and parties in the scene….this needs to be said.
**For Couples: remember partners, Leave The Drama For Your Mama! We are all adults and want to have Grown & Sexy fun! We do not tolerate drama here so leave all anger, jealousy and relationship problems at the door.
The players in the scene vary widely in experience and styles of play/kink/BDSM/sex. Some are newbies while others may be experts. All are welcome! Don’t be afraid to try something new or ask someone (respectfully) to play. Voyeurism is also welcome as long as you keep a respectful distance, low volume, and do not disturb the kinksters. There is no solo fapping to people getting their groove on, whatever that groove may be. Keep in mind that you should not sit in/on the play toys, equipment, or playing spaces unless you are playing. If you choose to engage in more complex scenes and play like suspension, wax play, fire play…etc., Please Inform a Kink Kaptain or the event host before beginning any loud, messy or disruptive play that may affect the players around you.
While most attendees will actively engage in kink/BDSM/sex or other forms of play at our events, there will be those who will not and just want to enjoy being in the space. Other times kinksters may only engage in kink/BDSM/sex or other forms of play with their SO/partner. If someone doesn’t wanna play (as in they tell you no), accept the rejection with grace. Do not ask them why or be rude. Be kind, respectful, and lead with positivity. If you see someone acting contrary to the spirit of our community and this code of conduct, please let us know by telling a Kink Kaptain. If you do see someone harassing another, or violating safety, health, and/or Kink In Kolor rules, please inform a Kink Kaptain, a Kink in Kolor team member, or afterward by using our Report an Incident form.
Most dungeons/venues will have access to kink furniture, beds, and some toys. Others will not. A good rule of thumb is to bring your own toy bag to events. Even if you don’t own toys, you can always ask a guest to play with theirs, bring pervertible, or you can use your own body (like your hands) to have fun playing. When bringing your own toys, there will be a designated area for bags and other belongings if needed. It is important to bring only what you’ll think you’ll need. Kink In Kolor will not be responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen items.
All attendees should be responsible for being tested regularly, knowing your status, and being honest and open about it with any potential play partner. In order to reduce the spread of these diseases, every Kink In Kolor event will provide access to condoms, lubes, dental dams, finger condoms, and sanitizing stations free of charge. Should you wish to bring your own, feel free to do so. The proper use of these items has been shown to reduce exposure to these infections. While we don’t check our attendees for their most recent STD/STI status, we do ask that persons wishing to engage in sexual contact with others do their due diligence in getting tested regularly and conversing with each other before engagement; Covid ain't the only one out here causing problems, you feel me? We’re all adults and you understand that there are significant risks of engaging in unprotected sexual activity, with or without the use of a latex barrier. Kink In Kolor does not provide medical services or advice. You should consult with your doctor, or you may wish to contact the toll-free HIV/AIDS Hotline number (800-342-AIDS), the toll-free Alcohol and Drug Community Assessment Service Center Help Line (800-564-6600) or the Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline (800-758-0880).
Kink In Kolor LLC strictly prohibits discrimination against and harassment of any attendee, employee, volunteer, third party, visitor, or community member based on said person's race, color, national/ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion, disability, sex, gender identity/expression (including a transgender identity), sexual orientation, military/veteran status, genetic information, the intersection of these identities or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal, state or local law, herein called “protected categories.”
We DO NOT tolerate sexual harassment, discrimination, or other sexual misconduct including acts of sexual violence (such as rape, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, coercion, relationship/intimate partner violence, and domestic violence). If a violation does occur, please inform Kink In Kolor representatives immediately. Kink In Kolor, LLC expects all employees, volunteers, event attendees, visitors, and community members to join us and uphold this commitment at any and all Kink In Kolor related activities and events.
Each event will have room for volunteers to join our team for the night. Whether it is before, after, or during, all help is appreciated. Want to learn more? Email us
Prostitution, solicitation, and negotiation of compensation for sexual services, professional domination, pro submission or pro switching will not be tolerated at Kink In Kolor events. Violations shall result in immediate removal and banning from future events.
No weapons of any kind are permitted at Kink In Kolor Events. If you are a licensed law enforcement officer, have a concealed carry permit, and are obligated to carry your service weapon, you must advise management upon arrival. You hereby represent and warrant that, if you are a police officer, government investigator or agent of any kind, you are obtaining your membership and/or event registration in your private, individual capacity and will respect the rights of privacy of other Kink In Kolor Event attendees. You further represent, warrant, and irrevocably agree that should the foregoing representation be false, and/or you are seeking a membership or event entry for the purpose of investigating any other Kink In Kolor Event attendees and/or management, you have been expressly advised that Kink In Kolor, LLC does not consent to your entry under such circumstances and that your entry into Kink In Kolor Events without a valid search warrant is hereby and permanently refused. You irrevocably concede that any such unauthorized entry is an intentional and unlawful search in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a violation of all registration in your private, individual capacity and will respect the rights of privacy of other Kink In Kolor Event attendees’ rights of privacy under the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution as well as an unlawful and intentional violation of Article 1, §§ 1 and 13 of the California Constitution, that you have actual knowledge that such conduct is a violation of clearly established federal and state law in this jurisdiction and that you hereby waive any defense of total and/or qualified immunity. You further acknowledge that registration in your private, individual capacity and will respect the rights of privacy of other Kink In Kolor management and attendees each assert their right to counsel under the Sixth Amendment and refuse to answer any questions until they have conferred with counsel.
You hereby represent that, if you are a member of the press (including but not limited to television, radio, magazine, newspaper, internet site, etc.), you are obtaining your membership and/or event registration solely in your private, individual capacity and will respect the rights of privacy of other Kink In Kolor Event attendees. You hereby irrevocably agree that your entry for any other purpose shall be deemed fraudulent, that you intentionally made any and all statements that lead you to your admission knowing them to be fraudulent, and that you did so in order to obtain admission to a private event to which you otherwise would have been refused entry, and that you did so with the intent to violate the privacy rights of Kink In Kolor LLC & Event attendees in willful violation of state and federal law. You further acknowledge and agree that you, and any employer for which you are working, are bound by the recording restrictions, copyright transfer, liquidated damages, and injunctive remedy provisions above.
For all my TL;DR folx here’s a quick list of Do’s & Don'ts
DON'Ts (all these may get you banned and removed)
Don't harass other attendees for play or other kinky-related things.
Don't use your phone in undesignated areas.
Don't put down other members.
Don't touch someone else or touch their toys, props or other property, without asking and receiving permission.
Don't be creepy.
Don't wear heavy fragrances or heavy scents of any kind e.g. perfume, cologne, incense. Some people are sensitive to overpowering smells.
Don't damage the property or incite the neighbors.
Don't stand alone and pleasure yourself while watching a scene.
Don't Choose Violence.
Don't kink shame, slut shame, body shame.
Don't fight with words or fists.
Don't be racist, ageist, ableist, phobic, or radical in your interactions with other attendees.
Do’s (will keep us coming back for more)
Be kind.
Follow the rules.
Dress in your best version of confidence.
Be graceful (especially if another member politely rejects an invitation).
Respect the space.
Clean up after yourselves.
Practice Good Hygiene.
Most importantly, Have Fun!
Help us keep Kink In Kolor awesome as we grow. This code of conduct will grow and change with time, experience and practice. We value your input, concerns and suggestions. You can reach out to us at
Please visit our website at:
Or email Janae at ATTN: COC
As always, management reserves the right to refuse, suspend, or revoke membership to anyone for any reason without notice or explanation.